Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back on the wagon

Alright I'm back, sorry for the delay. I will be honest Christmas break was rough on me.  My schedule was broken up with just enough free time to sit in the couch and snack.  My break was then extended with 4 snow days, one of which was spent at Harry's, great time, bad on the diet.... By last week I just didn't feel very good about myself. At. All.  In fact I felt disgusting.
Enough excuses! This week I am doing much better, I have tracked everyday since Monday and stayed under my calorie goal.  I also worked out on Monday.  Today I decided to treat myself with some root beer, I took 2 sips and dumped it... Waaaay to sweet.  Hopefully this holds up, I am feeling very committed. I plan to enter the school's Biggest Loser competition this week, it runs through March.  Time for bed, I feel like I'm starting to ramble.  Good night and happy 2014!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Post Thanksgiving

Well these last two weeks didn't go as well as I had hoped. My weight is the same as it was two weeks ago, in one hand I'm glad I didn't gain over Thanksgiving, in the other hand I lost rough 6 lbs when I had strep last week. I am rather bummed that it has returned. I hope everyone has had a good holiday. This week I am going to commit to drinking half my body weight in ounces of water. I will let you all know how that goes!! Kari, now that we're both healthy lets try to find a class this week!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Week 1

Good Wednesday evening. I am proud to announce I lost weight this week. I am not so proud to announce that I was surprised, it has not been a great week mealwise. I lost roughly 1% of my body weight and as far as my overall goal goes that is 4% of the weight I want to lose. Pros - I haven't completely failed with my diet. I had a few turkey sandwiches, a venison brat, and I have increased my fruit & veggie intake. I also busted it out at BodyPump tonight, thank you Kari for not letting me chicken out!! PS once I hit my first goal, 10% of the weight I want to lose, I am getting a massage; I already hurt!!! Cons - In times of crisis grandma's first response is to feed people, which led to me eating waaay too many chocolate chip cookies on Monday (my plan was to help clean-up after the storm, but it was too windy) so what I hoped would be a semi-workout turned into an afternoon of cookies... fail! I also had two cinnamon sticks at lunch today, but given I went to the Pizza Hut buffet I thought I stayed pretty in control, only 2 small pieces of pizza, 2 cinnamon sticks, and a salad. *I am not a writer, it has never been one of my talents. I pretty much type what I think, please don't judge my ramblings.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

why I'm here

Yesterday I stepped on the scale and saw a number that both scared and disgusted me. I have been slacking off and that number was the final straw. It is time for me to take control. Every Wednesday I will post my weight change percentage. The point of this blot is to keep me accountable, you are welcome to use the comment section to post your changes as well. I will also post my ups and downs along the way, I appreciate your support.